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B2B vs. B2C Social Media Marketing Strategy: What’s the Difference?

Socialfix Thought Leadership Contributor

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Even if your business does not have a social media strategy, you are likely utilizing social media to some degree because it is free, powerful, and can be made easy. At the very least you are promoting your content via these different platforms and doing your best to form connections. However, the way in which social media should be used should actually be quite different depending upon if you are a B2B or a B2C company. 

What’s the Difference Between B2B vs. B2C Social Media Strategy?

For those who are unfamiliar, being a “B2B” company means that the target audience for your business is other businesses. A “B2C” company is a company that focuses on the community of consumers. That results in differences between the needs of a buyer from a B2B and a B2C perspective and how these differences affect your social media marketing strategy. 

B2C versus B2B Social Media Marketing Strategy 

Simple vs. Complex Needs 

B2B buyers are typically much more complex than B2C. B2C buyers usually know the type of product they want, they may want to learn a little bit about the different models or the different brands, and then they are ready to buy.

B2B buyers typically have to buy more complicated products and services, where customer service is involved with the B2B buyer long after the purchase is made. Even leading up to the purchase is more complex because businesses generally buy in bulk or sign up for a contract as opposed to just popping in a store like a B2C buyer. 

What Does This Mean for Your Social Media Marketing Strategy?

A B2B company is going to need to be much more serious when it comes to social media marketing strategy. If you’re a B2B company, make sure that you are promoting content that is informative and will educate your target audience. It is OK to mention what is happening in the news, but make sure you have a business spin to the article so that your followers and friends are constantly getting valuable information. You also want to make sure that you are always ready to respond to someone interacting through social media. 

When it comes to B2C, the buyers’ needs are much simpler. This will allow a B2C company to promote deals and specials via social media. Think less educating and more selling when you’re a B2C company trying to leverage social platforms, and create a successful social media marketing strategy. 

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In general, B2B companies are seen as more professional and less edgy or filled with emotion. B2C buyers often make purchasing decisions based on emotion or on a whim, but B2B buyers are usually much more calculated. This is likely because when a business makes a purchase it is usually a decision that is discussed by several people and the purchase is usually large. B2C buyers are often on their own. 

What Does This Mean for Your Social Media Marketing Strategy?

B2C companies can often get away with putting up pictures of employees. Asking questions via social media, and using emotions, such as funny jokes or stories help pull in readers. For example, highlighting a company Christmas party is a fine B2C marketing strategy. So is focusing on social media content around building a team spirit and office community.

B2B companies, on the other hand, need to be much more professional. You should consider well, every aspect of your social media marketing and focus on logistics. Use statistics and let readers know why something is important. Many B2B companies also create a series of posts to help bring people back to the social media account to learn more. 

Audience Available

B2C companies obviously have an audience that is much more involved in social media. However, this can often make it difficult for a B2C company because there is so much competition.  The truly successful B2C brand finds creative ways to stand out from the competition. 

B2B companies, on the other hand, should focus on establishing and maintaining fruitful relationships with the customers. First, provide enough information about that brand and how your product can be helpful to your prospects. Then look for ways to prompt conversions. That strategy will make you stand out from any competitor that is just trying to sell a product. 

What Does This Mean for Your Social Media Marketing Strategy?

When leveraging social media for a B2B, you will want to really put a focus on finding startup companies or other companies in your area. B2C  brands can gain followers and friends fairly easily. For example, by just promoting deals and getting others to spread the word, such companies see quick results. It’s much more difficult for B2B business, however. It takes longer to convert B2B customers. Purchasing decisions for such customers depend on the agreement of a  group of stakeholders. 

To Wrap It Up

Overall, social media is more difficult to utilize when working with B2B type companies.

Nonetheless, it is entirely possible to make it happen.

Once you know that you may move a little bit slower, you can start to really focus on quality and not quantity. Members of a B2B audience are not impressed by little deals or funny quotes. It’s vital you understand that how B2C companies approach social media content will differ from a B2B approach. Ensuring your social media marketing strategy serves your audience will help your social media success. 

Amanda DiSilvestro is the Editor-in-chief for Plan, Write, GO. She has been writing about all things digital marketing as a ghostwriter, guest writer, and blog manager for over 10 years. If you’re interested in outsourcing your content, check out her blogging services to learn more!

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What Is a B2C Business?

B2C  or business-to-consumer is a business model based on offering products and services directly from a business to the end-user. As a B2C company, your business offers goods that are used and bring value directly to the final consumers. 

Which Are Some Examples of B2C Companies?

Some of the most profitable companies in the world are B2C companies- meaning they provide products and services to end-users.  Examples are Amazon, Apple, Google, Facebook, Walmart,  and Target. 

What Is a B2B Business?

B2C or business-to-business model focuses on selling products and services to other companies. 

As a B2B brand, you support the needs of other companies. Your products and services help other businesses develop and maintain their internal organization and help them sell their products. 

Think of a company that offers CRM solutions to other businesses, for example.  

Which Are Some Examples of B2B Companies?

Some of the biggest B2C companies are also serving clients in the B2B segment. Amazon, Google, Apple are such companies. 

A few examples of brands focused on B2B clients are  Adobe, IBM, Microsoft & Oracle. 

What Is Social Media Marketing?

Social media marketing is a strategy that through the use of social media platforms helps brands connect with their audiences. It helps them build brand awareness,  drive website traffic, establish relationships with followers, and increase sales conversion. 

Part of the social media marketing strategy is publishing content that the target audience will find interesting, educational and helps users solve a particular problem. 

Analyzing the engagement of that audience with the published content helps brands navigate better their strategies and deliver value with all their social media efforts. 

Major social media platforms are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linked In, Pinterest, YouTube, and TikTok.

How Is B2C Social Media Strategy Different From B2B Social Media Marketing?

A B2C social media strategy uses social media to drive traffic, brand awareness, and sales, while B2B brands tend to focus their social media presence on establishing long-lasting relationships with prospects and customers. 

The way content is created and presented also differs. 

Since B2C companies sell directly to consumers the tone and language used in social media platforms tends to be more informal and friendly. 

B2B companies on the other hand focus on more formal language that is directed at high-level stakeholders. 

Similarly, B2C &  B2B companies might use different social media platforms, where Instagram is perfect to connect with users on a personal level and LinkedIn on a professional. 

What Social Media Platforms Should I Use for B2C Marketing? Which Is the Best Social Media Channel?

A B2C company looking to connect and promote its service to consumers should consider creating content for Instagram, Facebook,  and Twitter. 

What Social Media Platforms Should I Use for B2B Marketing? Which Is the Best Social Media Channel?

LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook work best for delivering engaging content to B2B customers. 

How Can Social Media Be Used for B2C Marketing?

Social media content works great for B2C marketing strategies centered around creating entertaining, engaging, and sharable content like videos, images, and reviews. 

As a B2C brand, you can even tap into humor and other positive emotion to create a following that could eventually turn into a stable customer base. 

How Can Social Media Be Used for B2B Marketing?

Social media can also help B2B businesses create brand awareness, educate their audiences and build credibility and trust. Those steps will play an important role in bringing potential customers closer to conversion. 

 Use testimonials, positive reviews, to promote brand awareness and trust. Add educational and actionable content that helps your audience. You can even embrace a more B2C approach in your tone of voice and brand personality to make your business more approachable.

Can Socialfix Help My Brand With B2C & B2B Social Media Marketing?

Yes, we absolutely can! 

Check our portfolio of B2C and B2B clients to see how we’ve helped them supercharge their social media strategies and reach out to us today! 

Let’s create your kick-ass social media strategy together! 

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