New Jersey
99 Grayrock Road, Suite 203 & 204, Clinton, NJ 08809
We help creators communicate at scale and kickstart successful crowdfunding campaigns.
Kickstarter Crowdfunding

The most popular crowdfunding platform.

Equity Crowdfunding

We know what it's like getting your idea off the ground and launched.

IndieGoGo Crowdfunding

A crowdfunding option for innovators.

WeFunder Equity Raise

We can help take the pain out of raising money.

Venture Capital Videos

PowerPoint doesn’t cut it. There is no better way to pitch than video!

Fundraising Videos

Raise money and get your message out?

Investor Pitch Videos

Ace your meeting with a video that will make you stand out to investors.

See Our Work
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What Makes a Successful Crowdfunding Campaign?
Ripe Market for Solution-based Product
A product that solves a problem is a good product and understanding the demand for your product is an integral piece of a crowdfunding campaign. We provide thorough market research to make sure we know the audience we are targeting.
Pre-Launch Seed Marketing Campaign
Let’s face it, we are now in an influencer marketing era. We partner with industry influencers to create a buzz before the launch. We don't just partner with anyone though. Our influencers are all vetted before we reach an agreement.
Highly Targeted Audience of Backers
Chances are, there is a select group of people who will want your product more than others (unless you invented water). We will seek them out and make sure all of our marketing efforts have the maximum possible yield.
The Right Fundraising Platform
Kickstarter? Indiegogo? Decisions, decisions… Our team of experts will work with you to decide what fundraising platform will work the best for you.
Compelling Video & Storyline
Our video team is known for its storytelling capabilities. Whatever the message is that you are trying to get across, our team will take care of it! Check out our client testimonials to hear more about our team’s success stories!
Cool Perks & Backer Rewards
Everyone loves free swag! Although not a mission-critical aspect of crowdfunding, it certainly helps. We know what kinds of freebies to suggest and can even help you get them designed and created if need be.
Great Crowdfunding Landing Page
The landing page is where your potential customers will find everything they need to get educated about your product or service. We will handle every aspect of your landing page, from the creation of the page, video, copy, and photos.
What’s Included with Each Crowdfunding Campaign:
Working with us means every detail of your project is planned from the very beginning. You can rely on us to think of everything and ensure we provide you with the highest level of expertise and experience.
Brand Guideline Creation
We know the ins and outs of branding and our designers will work with you to create the brand that you always imagined.
Video Production
Our video team will make sure that your passion and vision are highlighted when they create your one-of-a-kind crowdfunding video!
Our in-house photographers know how to make your product look great! They will work with you to define what look and feel you want for the images on your crowdfunding page!
Pre-Launch Ad Campaign
Hype is a powerful tool! It is important to build up anticipation and desire for your project before it even goes live. We will create the buzz through multi-channel marketing through social media and paid ads to ensure that the word is out before the project launches.
Crowdfunding Page Build
The crowdfunding page will display everything your customers need to get educated about your product or service. This includes your video, your “tiered” offerings, plans for the product, information about you and your team, & much more!
Content Creation
Our unique distinction of being a full-service marketing agency shines here. We will handle every aspect of your page, from the creation of the page, video, copy, and photos. We can do it all!
Live Campaign Launch
The big day! All of the efforts build to this day, the day your campaign goes live. We will help guide you through the process of going live, and make sure everything is working properly on the big day.
Newsletter Creation
Throughout the campaign, it is important to keep your backers updated on the status of the project, order fulfillment, and other related information. Using the brand guidelines that we created together, we will construct a newsletter format that suits your product and audience.
eCommerce & Website Design
Once your idea is successfully launched, it is time to start building a permanent home for it. We will work with you to create a web presence or eCommerce site that suits your brand, and propels your brand to the next level.
Leverage Our Award-Winning
Crowdfunding Playbook For Your Success
From reward-based to equity crowdfunding campaigns, our strategic approach will help your brand build traction, social proof, market validation, gain early adopters and loyal advocates.
step one
Introductions, Project Plan Creation & Kick-Off
Welcome! Our goal in this step of the process is to ensure everything is prepared to run smoothly, introduce your dedicated project team, address any questions & gather necessary information.
step two
Conceptualization & Brand Guidelines & Visual Design
Let’s begin! During this step, we collaborate with your team and work on defining your brand, your goals for the project, and your vision for the campaign.
step three
Pre-Funding Campaign Planning
During this step, we plan the script, create the storyboard, scout locations, cast talent, hire makeup and hair artists, and run through all the details that will be necessary to make your production day a success.
step four
Production Days
The big day (or days) is here. We like to start early and test everything - lighting, cameras, sound. We plan for plenty of time for travel, extra room to grab that essential b-roll footage, and everything in-between.
step five
Post-Production & Video Editing Begins
This is where the magic happens. Our talented post-production team receives the raw footage and begins piecing together your unique storyline. We sync audio, we color correct, and make sure your video looks AMAZING!
step six
Crowdfunding Page Strategy & Setup
If you elect to work with us for the full scope of our capabilities (highly recommended) then this is the part of the process where we will set up your actual campaign page. Here we will work with you to develop copy, source imagery from the production day, and ultimately create a page that reflects your brand and goals.
step seven
Client Review / Revisions
The reveal is here FINALLY! You get to take a look at the first draft of the video and provide us with feedback and suggestions. We then go back and make the modifications. Once you are happy, we go into the final cut.
step eight
Campaign LAUNCH!!
Woohoo! The big day! Once the video is approved and finalized along with the campaign page, it’s to go live. Our team will walk you through this process and guide you through the best practices to ensure you get eyes on your campaign.
step nine
Ad Campaign Management
Once the page is live, our talented SEO and ads team will make sure that your campaign gets as many eyes on it as possible.
What Our Crowdfunding Clients Say:
CK Kim testimonial photo
CK Kim
Himcen Battery
Brendan, Fragomen testimonial photo
"Hi Terry and Marion, I just saw that the interim website has gone live. Well done to the entire SocialFix team on your excellent, and fast, work on this. I am extremely pleased and know we can build on this initial work to create something special in this industry space. Thanks again for your excellent work - please pass this on to the entire team. Kind regards."
Brendan, Fragomen
Eric and Deborah Kispert testimonial photo
Eric and Deborah Kispert
Denville Family Counseling
awesooommmeeeeeeee jobbbbbbbbbbbbb! testimonial photo
"Terry, I went to see what was done on Friday, and your team just destroyed it. The quality of work that was done blows it out of the water. I am happy to have a person like you and your team to be working on getting this project to the level it should be at, so thank you thank you. I look forward to working together for a long time. Sincerely, the whole kangaroo Frand team"
awesooommmeeeeeeee jobbbbbbbbbbbbb!
Jaime Frand CEO
Some of Our Crowdfunding Projects
Check Out Some Of Our Crowdfunding Case Studies
Each of our projects is completely tailored and personalized to each client’s preferences. Check out a few examples below.
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Award-Winning Kickstater Production Company Trusted by Industry Leaders
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Kicksta  Top 10 Social Media Companies
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Clutch - 2020 Top B2B Agency in United States
Inc 5000
Best Conversion Rate Optimization
Inc 2020
50 Most Admired
10 Best Production
10 Best SEO
Clutch - 2018 Top Branding Agency in United States
Forty Under Forty
Clutch - 2017 Top Agencies & Developers in New York
10 Best Design
Corporate Culture
Future 50
Crowdfunding Marketing FAQ’s
Do you create or work with a crowdfunding brand guideline?

If you have established brand guidelines already, we will work within that. If you do not, our designers will work with you to create brand guidelines that you can take with you to the next steps of your growth after the crowdfunding campaign is finished.

Why do I need crowdfunding?

Crowdfunding is a way to gauge public interest in your product or service and gain capital to bring it to life. It is also a great way to get your idea off the ground in a short amount of time.

What are the different types of videos can you create for my crowdfunding campaign?

Crowdfunding videos follow a unique and strategic formula that incorporates founder stories, use cases, features and benefits, demonstrations when possible, and important campaign funding details. It also helps if your product has a social mission. Many crowdfunding backers love giving their support to companies that give back. Please connect with our crowdfunding experts to review your vision and requirements so we can better identify how we can help you.

How much does a crowdfunding video cost?

The cost to create a compelling crowdfunding campaign video can vary depending on a few variables including length, filming location(s), talent requirements, and any special requests. Our crowdfunding experts can help to customize an approach to your video that is tailored to your vision.

What are your payment terms?

We offer 50/50 payment terms for most of our crowdfunding video projects depending on the unique requirements of your project.

How long does a crowdfunding video production timeline take to complete?

Every project is unique and will require different time commitments. This all depends on what you are bringing to the table at the start and what your goals are. We can absolutely work with whatever timeline you have in mind though. The best way to find out is to call us and tell us a little bit about your project. Our crowdfunding video team is happy to help!

How long will I be waiting throughout the different stages?

Below we’ve detailed the typical delivery times and activities for each step in our production process:

  • Scriptwriting – 5-10 business days from your interview with our scriptwriter. If revisions are required, those revisions will be delivered 1-3 business day/s from when you provide them to our scriptwriter.

  • Storyboarding – 5-8 business days to produce a full storyboard from the time you approve the voiceover.

  • Video – 5-15 business days from the time you approve the storyboard for a video.

  • Professional voiceover production – 1-3 business days from the script and voiceover artist being approved by you.

  • Revisions on any of the above – 3+ business days.

* The timings above are based on a standard crowdfunding video of 2-3 minutes in length with an average level of complexity.

Longer video lengths, multiple production days, and on-site filming can add time to the process.

Please, make us aware of any project deadlines at the beginning of the project to allow us to work to your schedule and arrange our video and production team accordingly.

What can cause a delay in final crowdfunding video delivery?

Delays come in all shapes and sizes, and we have seen them all. This just means that we know what to look for, what to avoid, and how to blow through obstacles. The one obstacle that is impossible to avoid though is indecisiveness. If you are unsure of something, whether it be a brand font or a shot that you want in your video, do not agree to it! Every part of a crowdfunding campaign is interconnected. If you change your mind about something in the final hour of the project, this will cause a delay. Open communication and thoughtful discussions with the team are key to a great final product.

What are some tips to get my crowdfunding video delivered as quickly as possible?

If you have a hard deadline that needs to be met; we can accommodate that. The key to hitting that deadline is going to be trusting our team to do what they do best. Trust the process and provide the clearest, most concise feedback possible.

What are the stages of a crowdfunding campaign?

Brand Guideline Creation

We know the ins and outs of branding and our designers will work with you to create the brand that you always imagined.

Catching the “Vibe”

This is the first step towards building your video. Your video project manager will work with you and your team to identify pre-existing videos that you like the look and feel of to get an idea of the visual style you are hoping to achieve. It is helpful to study the techniques, shots, and visuals of similar successful campaigns in order to identify what you like vs don't like. They will make sure that your passion and vision are highlighted when they create your one-of-a-kind crowdfunding video!

Concept Creation

Are we creating an elaborate story featuring two characters with a plot or are we going the tried and true method of the founder story? Concept creation is where we form the rough mold of the video and identify what kind of video we will create. This rough outline is the skeleton of the shooting script, which comes next.


Once we all agree on the concept outline, it is time to dive into the details! This is where the concept really starts coming to life. Over the next week or two, we will draft the script and review the progress with your team on weekly or bi-weekly calls until we finally reach an approved and final document.


The storyboarding phase is when we will create visuals to assist the production team. Having these visuals is helpful to make sure everyone is on the same page with the vision, visuals, and shot compositions.

Production Time

The part everyone thinks about when you picture video production. Lights, camera, action! Everything starts really coming together in an exciting way once we begin filming. Our team is very skilled at the art of making the most out of a production day and will ensure that the vision we all created in the script is realized here. Depending on what you sign up for, the production day may also include photography for web and social content.

The Cutting Room

Did you know that films were traditionally “cut” together with scissors and tape? Well, that's what we will be doing during this step of the process… Just digitally! Our skilled editors and animators will now have everything they need to create the first draft of the video. This will typically take 5-10 business days but the wait will be worth it once you see the magic they perform!


Once the first draft is completed, it will be sent to you for review. This is the stage where you can request tweaks and changes to the video. We include two rounds of revisions in our standard crowdfunding package so please do your best to be thorough with your feedback and notes!

Live Campaign Launch

The big day! All of the efforts build to this day, the day your campaign goes live. We will help guide you through the process of going live, and make sure everything is working properly on the big day.

What is included in the final delivery of the project?

Once your final product is approved, you will be provided with a high-quality download of the video and any other assets that have been created. If you have more specific requirements we can work with you on that.

Voice over / Music
Can you do a voiceover in any language or accent?

We can provide voiceovers in virtually any language or accent. Just let us know that you are looking for this early on so that we can source a voiceover artist that meets your needs. To achieve the most accurate language translation based on your project requirements, we may request that you provide us with the translation for any scripts that require a language other than English.

How do I select music?

Our team has access to a library of music with over 10,000 royalty-free song and sound effect selections that we comb through to choose a song for your video. We include a budget of up to $250 within the scope of each video project provided that the music selection is from our library.

Do I have to pay extra for the music license?

When sourced from our royalty-free music library, there are no additional licensing costs. Although it is a rare occasion, there are times when our clients have a special song in mind to use in the video that is not included in our library. In the event that there is a music selection you would prefer which requires an additional subscription or licensing fees, we may request that you purchase the music and provide us with the files.

How do I select the voiceover artist?

To select a voiceover artist, our team will listen to your wants and needs, find a few options that fit the criteria and provide you with a couple of options. All you need to do is listen to their demos and select which you like the best! If our first round of artists doesn’t work, we can always provide additional options.

What if I want to change the VO artist or the music after it was finalized?

We understand that changes happen and preferences may vary among decision-makers. During every step of our process, our goal is always to align creatives, music, and voiceover with the approved narrative. If any changes are requested after voiceover and music selections are finalized, we will advise you of any additional costs to accommodate your request.

Who owns the copyright to the crowdfunding video?

Once the project is approved, final payment is received, and we deliver the file, you will assume the rights to the final edited version. We maintain the rights to any of our raw media and non-final versions of the video. Once the final payment is received, you will maintain the rights to the final video.

Do you have client references?

We do! Many of our clients have been gracious enough to provide us with testimonials documenting their experience working with us, some of whom have been our clients for over 6 years, which is a very long time in the digital marketing world.

Do you outsource your work?

We are the company that actually makes your video. We’re not resellers, so there is no markup.

See More

Brands We Work With
Listen to Our Podcasts on Crowdfunding Success
Each of our work is an individual approach to each client and the highest level of expertise.
Listen to all podcasts
Episode #12
Chuck Pettid: Crowdfunding, Fundraising, Crypto, Start-Ups
Episode #21
Peter Peng: The Future of Voice Commerce, Sonic Branding, Life As Start-Up During COVID-19, and the Future of E-Commerce
Episode #7
Brett Garfinkel: Bots, Fake Influencers, Influencer Marketing, Fraud Detection, Brand Watch, Branding
Read About Crowdfunding Campaigns on Our Digital Marketing Blog
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Let’s do this!
Connect with one of our Kickstarter marketing experts below: