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4 Steps to a Quick Marketing Makeover – Reinvent Your Social Media Campaigns [UPDATED]

The Socialfix Kickass Content Team

Written by The Socialfix Kickass Content Team

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If you are in charge of your company’s marketing strategy, you know the number of channels you need to keep track of is completely out of control! From website analytics to social media ROI, PPC conversion rates to keyword optimization to content development and display advertising – the spinning world of internet marketing never sleeps.

However, there are a few cornerstone factors which can refresh and awaken your tired eyes and keep your competition on their toes.

1. Email Marketing + Facebook Retargeting = Brand Visibility
Email is still one of the most powerful tools in your marketing arsenal when used correctly. Segmenting your email lists into different silos to separate repeat customers, abandoned shopping carts customers, social media leads, geo-targeting and other prospect categories, will help you deliver highly customized and targeted messages that speak directly to that prospect. In addition, Facebook now allows you to re-target your existing email lead lists and deliver highly personalized content through Power Editor. By creating custom audiences, you can grow awareness and engage your prospects in a brand new way. Just make sure your messages are fun, align with your brand and deliver valuable content.

(Please, make sure to check our portfolio for examples of how we’ve successfully managed to incorporate the Social and Email Marketing combo in our comprehensive Online Marketing Campaigns for brands like Appzen and The New Me.)

2. Mobile Strategy + Social Media = Customer Retention
If you set the stage with a professionally designed and responsive website which is capable of delivering your message on mobile devices and then pair it with a smart social media outreach program, you will see better customer engagement and retention.  In the long-run, your target audience will recognize you as an industry thought leader, be aware of your solutions and this will ultimately convert into more sales.

(Please, make sure to check our portfolio for examples of how we’ve successfully managed to incorporate the Mobile Strategy and Social Media Marketing combo in our comprehensive Online Marketing Campaigns for brands like Plasticity Brain Center.)

 3. Social Sales + Your Bottom Line = Best Sales Year EVER!
If you are in sales today, (and let’s face it,  no matter what your title, if you own a business, you are in sales) you need to be comfortable using  the phone, email and voicemail. In addition, you need to  have a strong social presence, social klout and thought leadership. Using social media to your advantage to generate new leads, nurture your relationships and ultimately close more deals is one of the best ways to grow your bottom line.

(Please, make sure to check our portfolio for examples of how we’ve successfully managed to incorporate the Social Sales and Client’s Bottom Line combo in our comprehensive Online Marketing Campaigns for brands like The Make-Up Show, One Plus Some, Chloe Colette, KT – Tape.)

4. Influencer Marketing + Virality = Quick Brand Promotion Boost

You think that you need years to nourish large online community and loyal fanbase on social medias? Well, not necessarily! There is a shortcut that you should definitely explore. Influencer Marketing is not that much of an economical investment, but it surely could prove to be a quick ROI strategy that could boost brand awareness and sales rather abruptly.

The most longed-for and targeted positive side of social media marketing is its tendency to turn highly favoured posts into viral content. Virality is a subliminal marketing success that most marketers aim for when creating branded content. And while it is quite difficult to come up with such pieces on purpose, it is more natural and equally effective to rely on a social media influencers to ‘virally’ spread the notion for your brand.

If you carefully do your research and reach out to really powerful and relevant social media ‘celebrity’ you would maximise your chances to effectively reach your target audience and to make them hear your message, because the given influencer’s fanbase already trust him. They know that they can expect valuable info from him and the ‘overcome suspicion and doubt’ phase that is a common challenge for promoting branded content by companies has already been overcome by the independent influencer persona.

(Please, make sure to check our portfolio for examples of how we’ve successfully managed to incorporate the Influencer Marketing and Virality combo in our comprehensive Online Marketing Campaigns for brands like Liena.)

So let’s face it, social media is a relatively a new game for brands. Just to give you an idea — there are 2.5 billion photos uploaded to Facebook every month, 200 billion spam emails sent per day, 1 billion YouTube videos uploaded per day and the average person watches 182 online videos per month! So although it may feel as though social media marketing has been around for a while, we are only beginning to scratch the surface.  New technology and features will enhance existing channels and give you the ability to get creative with your marketing.

So go forth and be fearless fellow business owners!

To find out more about these 3 strategies, please email me at ken [at] or follow us @socialfixMedia





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